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How do we install a custom-made bespoke acrylic aquarium?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-11      Origin: Site

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To start we want to emphasize that we view bespoke aquariums as individual projects, no two bespoke aquariums are the same and we always strive to meet our client’s requirements. We install freestanding aquariums with built in drains and taps, wall aquariums, freshwater, saltwater, and everything in between. We have a passion for bespoke aquariums as they are an amazing display of personal taste and can be catered to any of your aquarium dreams. Bespoke aquariums can be designed to fit in seamlessly with the interior of your home of workspace or they can be designed to stand out and be a focal point for the room.

The first step when installing a bespoke aquarium usually starts by having a meeting face to face at the location the aquarium will be installed. We want to make sure we know exactly what you would like before we put a plan together. Most of our custom-made aquariums are larger than ‘off the shelf’ aquariums and have built in sump filtration, this mean there is less visible equipment within the aquarium and because of their size allow for extra filtration and water volume.

Once a plan has been accepted the aquarium design is put forward for construction. It is at this point we prepare the location for the aquarium, arranging for floor support to be added if required. Most large bespoke aquariums (even those within a wall) are placed onto a custom-made steel framed stand. Then the sump and equipment are prepared. It is at this point the aquarium is positioned, for very large bespoke aquariums we arrange for them to be built on site due to access issues, some aquariums are too large to fit through doors. If it is a smaller size, we deliver the ready built aquarium and carefully position it on the stand.

Once the aquarium is in place, we begin to install the equipment and make sure it is running correctly. It is at this point we begin to aquascape the aquarium, this is dependant on your desires whilst keeping in mind the needs of the fish you plan to keep. This could mean a sand substrate with lots of rockwork for African cichlids or a heavily planted aquascape with lots of rocks and wood for small fish such as cardinal tetras. If you are stuck for ideas do not hesitate to contact us. Our team has a passion for aquariums. Once you are happy with the aquascape, layout and look of the aquarium we begin to fill it up with water, this gives us a chance to make sure everything is running as it should be and fine tune any equipment if needed such as skimmers and heaters.

Finally, once everything is up and running, we ensure the aquarium is properly cycled to make sure there is enough bacteria in the filter media present to process fish waste. This can take weeks but is a very important part of fishkeeping. Once the aquarium is cycled it is time for the most exciting part, it is time to add the fish! We add the fish gradually to ensure we do not overload the filtration, whilst regularly monitoring the health of the fish in the process.

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

Acrylic aquarium - Installation

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